Interiority, a concept referring to the inner life of things, has been practiced and discussed since antiquity.
The following is a curated collection of our favorite wholeness quotes, definitions, and references.
Loosely translated as “to make right, orderly, or correct,” ho’oponopono is a prayer-based healing practice that promotes forgiveness, healing both the self and others, problem solving, and conflict resolution.
Meditation gardens are consciously designed environments intended to provide a welcoming, quiet, and calm retreat from the chaotic modern world. These intimate, meditative spaces offer people a place to unwind, reflect, and more naturally access their senses, intuition, and inner being.
“The Serenity Prayer... is a succinct and meaningful way of talking about acceptance and willingness when addressing difficult life circumstances.”
Recently, Zen has become a catchphrase to describe calm, peaceful feelings. But Zen is more than a general approach to mindfulness. This ancient tradition involves distinct meditation practices and a unique way of viewing reality.
From time immemorial, people have turned to a higher power in prayer. In some traditions, praying is an outward engagement with the divine. In others, this practice is a contemplative journey that seeks the divine within.
On True Religion
Sufi Conference 2008 - Opening Talk with Pir Zia Inayat-Khan & Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Everything Ablaze: Meditating on the Mystical Vision of Teilhard de Chardin
Zen Garden Design
Zen Garden Design
Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice
Reflection and Presence: The Dialectic of Awakening
Cultivating Inner Peace, Mindfulness, and Love in a Divided World
Six Steps to Healing Yourself and Connecting with Your Divine Guidance
Steps to Use the Almighty Ancient Technique of Ho'oponopono
A Traditional Hawaiian Healing Method for Relationships, Forgiveness and Love
The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual as the Key to Your Life's Fulfillment
The Final Secrets to ""Zero Limits"" The Quest for Miracles Through Ho'oponopono
The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
The Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Healing
Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul—A Christian Guide to Fasting
In Which I Explain How An Ancient, Ambiguous, and Diverse Book Leads Us to Wisdom Rather Than Answers—and Why That's Great News
The Essential Translation of the Ancient Chinese Book of the Tao
What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us about Relationships, Healing, and Transformation
East/West Approaches to Psychotherapy and the Healing Relationship
My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder through Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Buddhism, and Online Dating
Enlightenment, Emotional Maturity, and What It Really Takes for Spiritual Liberation
Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Path of Personal and Spiritual Transformation
A Guide to Life and Practice according to the Teachings of Bodhidharma
Discover Your Love Style, Enhance Your Marriage
The Unending Journey Towards Spiritual Growth
The Doctrinal Foundations of Counseling Ministry
A Guide to Finding Inner Peace for Sensitive People
A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace