The Gaming Overload Workbook

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The Gaming Overload Workbook

A Teen's Guide to Balancing Screen Time, Video Games, and Real Life

by Randy Kulman, PhD

2020, Published by New Harbinger Publications | 160 Pages
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Publisher Description

Essential skills and strategies for managing your gameplay and creating a well-balanced life.  

Do you spend hours on end playing video games? Do marathon gaming sessions cause you to lose much-needed sleep? Have your grades suffered as a result of neglecting schoolwork in favor of more game time? Has your physical health declined due to extended periods of inactivity? Have you tried unsuccessfully to limit the time you spend playing? Gaming can be a fun, challenging, and rewarding activity, but when it begins to interfere with other essential aspects of life, it might be time to set some limits.

The Gaming Overload Workbook will help you explore your use of video games in a thoughtful, nonjudgmental way. This isn’t a workbook for giving up on gaming. This is a guide to help you set your own limits on screen time, and apply your interest and enthusiasm for gaming to a wider variety of activities, like connecting with friends and family, excelling in school or sports, and just spending more time outdoors.

If you’re ready for some healthy balance between gaming, school, family, physical activity, and social relationships, this book will provide the key to winning at the game of life!

AdolescenceChildren’s Mental HealthSelf-HelpTechnology and Mental Health
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