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  • Meditation in desert By Patrick Schneider on Unsplash (article on acceptance quotes)

    40+ of Our Favorite Quotes on Acceptance

    Acceptance is the process of allowing things to be as they are without actively trying to change them. This article is a curated list of some of our favorite acceptance quotes.

  • Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash (article on self-acceptance)

    Self-Acceptance: Overview and Practice

    True self-acceptance involves “seeing yourself as worthwhile, and valuable, because you exist, you are unique, with specific strengths and weaknesses” and “accepting yourself in spite of your achievements, flaws, and whether people approve of you or not.”

  • Titian Ramsay Peale, Spray of Flowers and Ferns, date unknown, National Gallery of Art (article on gratitude)

    Gratitude and Gratefulness

    We often think of gratitude as the appreciation we show to another individual or individuals for something beneficial we receive from them, either tangible or not. However, gratitude can go beyond relationships with others and be defined as an appreciation for the positive elements in one’s life and even in the world.

  • Auguste Renoir The Blue River

    Acceptance: Overview, Benefits, and Practice

    Acceptance is the process of allowing things to be as they are without actively trying to change them. Acceptance is a process, and life often provides different opportunities to practice it through the numerous and varied experiences we encounter.

  • Thomas Cole, The Voyage of Life, Youth, 1842, National Gallery of Art (article on gestalt therapy)

    Gestalt Therapy: Background, Principles, and Benefits

    Gestalt therapy is an integrative, client-centered, present-focused, embodied, and relational form of psychotherapy that aims to help clients increase their levels of awareness; claim responsibility for and accept the consequences of their actions; generate confidence in their abilities to make healthy choices; and release negative emotions, feelings, and life patterns.

  • Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash (article on disgust)

    On Disgust

    According to the APA, disgust is defined as a strong aversion toward a smell, touch, person, or behavior that is considered “morally repugnant” to the person experiencing disgust. Although disgust might have first evolved for beneficial reasons, it can also have downsides—particularly when it is extreme, occurs in inappropriate circumstances, or interrupts daily functioning.

  • Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash (Emotion-focused therapy article)

    Emotion-Focused Therapy: Background, Types and Effectiveness

    Emotion-focused therapy is a neo-humanistic and experiential approach to psychotherapy premised on the idea that emotions underpin enduring change in an individual’s well-being.

  • Photo by Suad Kamardeen on Unsplash (article on bibliotherapy)

    Bibliotherapy: Benefits and Effectiveness

    Bibliotherapy is a creative arts therapy that uses literature and reading to assist individuals facing personal challenges and promote mental well-being.

  • Fontainebleau Forest, early 1860s, Eugène Cuvelier, Public domain, Met museum (article on fear)

    On Fear

    Fear, a human emotion prompted by distress, involves somatic and affective responses to physical, emotional, and real or imagined psychological threats. Some psychological fears are related to uncertainty, failure, pain, criticism, death, and mistakes.

  • Study of a King Rodolphe Bresdin French, Met Museum, Public domain (article on Guilt)

    On Guilt

    The American Psychological Association (APA) defines guilt as a “self-conscious emotion” denoted by a “painful appraisal of having done (or thought) something that is wrong.” It also notes that such emotion can inspire people to reverse or compensate for perceived wrongdoing.


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