Topics — Humanness and Emotions

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All Articles on Humanness and Emotions

  • Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash (article on happiness)

    On Happiness, Positive Emotions, and a Meaningful Life

    The term happiness can encompass well-being, health, human flourishing, eudaemonia, hedonism, subjective well-being, psychological well-being, contentment, and more.

  • Photo by Arun Clarke on Unsplash (article on Existential therapy)

    Existential Therapy: History, Key Elements, Benefits, Effectiveness

    Existential therapy focuses primarily on helping people identify and understand meaning and purpose in their lives, overcome their fears of the unknown and increasing their authenticity.

  • Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash (PTSD in children article)
    Mental Health and Conditions

    PTSD in Children

    Any child may experience a traumatic event; however, while some children recover shortly thereafter, others are subject to the long-term effects of PTSD. While adults may be able to verbally communicate their symptoms effectively, children may better express the effects of their trauma through play.

  • Photo by Ben White on Unsplash (article on resilience)
    Humanness and Emotions

    Resilience and Mental Health

    According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity.” Resilience is not a biological trait that people either have or lack. Instead, it is a psychological skill that anyone can learn.

  • Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash (article on disgust)

    On Disgust

    According to the APA, disgust is defined as a strong aversion toward a smell, touch, person, or behavior that is considered “morally repugnant” to the person experiencing disgust. Although disgust might have first evolved for beneficial reasons, it can also have downsides—particularly when it is extreme, occurs in inappropriate circumstances, or interrupts daily functioning.

  • Fontainebleau Forest, early 1860s, Eugène Cuvelier, Public domain, Met museum (article on fear)

    On Fear

    Fear, a human emotion prompted by distress, involves somatic and affective responses to physical, emotional, and real or imagined psychological threats. Some psychological fears are related to uncertainty, failure, pain, criticism, death, and mistakes.

  • Study of a King Rodolphe Bresdin French, Met Museum, Public domain (article on Guilt)

    On Guilt

    The American Psychological Association (APA) defines guilt as a “self-conscious emotion” denoted by a “painful appraisal of having done (or thought) something that is wrong.” It also notes that such emotion can inspire people to reverse or compensate for perceived wrongdoing.

  • Artwork of woman in thought

    On Sadness

    Sadness, according to the American Psychological Association, is “an emotional state of unhappiness, ranging in intensity.” Although sadness often has negative connotations, it can have positive effects in moments of need.

  • Flower Clouds, 1903, Odilon Redon (article on emotions)
    Humanness and Emotions

    Emotions: Types, Role, and Power

    Emotions play a central role in human lives and relationships and, for many people, form a pillar of human experience. Much can be gained by cultivating a better understanding of what emotions are in general and how they shape individual lives in particular.

  • Image of child meditating
    Mental Health and Conditions

    Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD): Causes, Risk Factors, and Treatments

    Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a mental condition that can affect children and adolescents and is characterized by excessive displays of irritability or anger or by temper outbursts.

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