The Heart of Listening

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The Heart of Listening

A Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Work

by Hugh Milne

1998, Published by North Atlantic Books | 240 Pages
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Publisher Description

Originally published as a single volume, The Heart of Listening has been re-issued as two separate volumes because of public demand for a more concise, portable edition. Milne, a third generation Scottish osteopath, begins by explaining the visionary approach to healing, and how it may be applied to the realm of craniosacral work. He explains the importance of meditation, centering, and the cultivation of heartfulness in the development of compassionate practice. Milne introduces the reader to the story of visionary work—its genesis, evolution, philosophy, and practice—and explains how a grounding in meditation, sensitive touch, and intuitive perception can lead to a remarkable unfoldment in skill development.

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