Selective Mutism

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Selective Mutism

An Assessment and Intervention Guide for Therapists, Educators & Parents

by Aimee Kotrba, PHD, LP

2014, Published by PESI Publishing & Media | 136 Pages
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Publisher Description

Selective Mutism: A Guide for Therapists, Educators, and Parents provides an effective, research-based behavioral intervention plan for the successful treatment of Selective Mutism. Based on years of clinical experience and expertise, author Dr. Aimee Kotrba provides not only assessment and treatment information, but also case examples, easy-to-implement workbook sheets, and informative handouts.

Dr. Kotrba is an advocate of team treatment – parents, schools, and mental health professionals working together to intervene with selective mutism — and this book provides intervention strategies for all team members, as well as a comprehensive treatment plan that can be individualized to any child. The techniques included emphasize a gradual, stepwise approach to increased speech, as well as fun and engaging activities that can be used at each step of treatment. Tips for engaging and motivating children and teens are included to improve treatment outcomes.

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