Loving-Kindness in Plain English

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Loving-Kindness in Plain English

The Practice of Metta

by Henepola Gunaratana

2017, Published by Wisdom Publications | 160 Pages
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Publisher Description

The bestselling author of Mindfulness in Plain English invites us to explore the joyful benefits of living with loving-kindness.

With his signature clarity and warmth, Bhante Gunaratana shares with us how we can cultivate loving-kindness to live a life of joyful harmony with others. Through personal anecdotes, step-by-step meditations, conversational renderings of the Buddha’s words in the suttas, and transformative insights into how we live in and relate to the world, we learn that peace here and now is possible—within ourselves and in all our relationships. Bhante G speaks directly to how we can cultivate loving-kindness to find emotional clarity, overcome anger, and become more peaceful—both on and off the meditation cushion.

Loving-Kindness in Plain English was chosen for the Spirituality & Practice Book Award as one of the 50 Best Spiritual Books of 2017 by the website Spirituality & Practice.

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