Ego State Therapy

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Ego State Therapy

by Gordon Emmerson, PhD

2007, Published by Crown House Publishing | 232 Pages
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Publisher Description

What lies in the dark unconscious expanse of our psyche?

What causes the words we hear in our mind?

What internal dynamic produces depression, panic attacks, and addiction?

How can learning what is inside bring back the love and wonder of childhood?

Mastering Ego State Therapy can foster an improved psychological and physical experience of life. Emmerson’s innovative book presents the theory and practice of working with ego states, helping to understand them, recognize and use them. Working directly with the state that needs assistance provides the shortest distance between the goal and the solution. The practical techniques help you to locate ego states in pain, trauma, anger, or frustration and facilitate expression, release, comfort, and empowerment.

Subjects covered include:

  • The nature of ego states
  • Inner strength
  • Processing trauma
  • Ego state mapping
  • Practical applications
  • Introjects
  • Non-hypnotic and hypnotic access
  • Ego state communication
  • Theoretical implications
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