Craniosacral Therapy II

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Craniosacral Therapy II

Beyond the Dura

by John E. Upledger

2020, Published by Eastland Press | 259 Pages
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Publisher Description

Craniosacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura marks yet another step in understanding the craniosacral system and its significance in the clinic. Building on concepts set forth in his pioneering work Cranioscacral Therapy, Dr. Upledger further explores the anatomical and physiological bases and clinical implications of several important aspects of the craniosacral system.

The first chapter looks at the cranial nerves and how they can be effectively influenced by craniosacral therapy. In the second chapter, the author, through words and pictures, dissects the fascial anatomy of the neck from the perspective of the craniosacral system. Chapter 3 scrutinizes the temporomandibular joint and TMJ syndrome. The final chapter focuses on those concepts and discoveries which have unfolded in Dr. Upledger’s clinical practice since the publication of his first book.

Rounding out this volume is an extensive glossary of technical terms and concepts related to the theory and practice of craniosacral therapy.

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